2 min read…

I got the urge to create from both of my parents. Although they choose different mediums (dad wood and mom colors and paints), it stems from their desire to create something.

I don’t have the standard “picked up a camera when I was a baby” story but there were little foreshadowing moments throughout my childhood that now looking back, were a clear indicator as to what I would be set out to do.

I started my career with a heavy focus in video production and picked up still photography along the way. Got lucky and landed a full-time position to capture fishing and hunting adventures to be produced for national TV. From Alaska to Costa Rica and everywhere in between. Thousands of miles of windshield time and endless stories captured. It was a great ride and I was able to capture some amazing moments. About 8 years later, a wife and one feisty three year old meant it was time to “pull into a rest area for a while”.

The still photography bug bit me shortly after starting my career and while a lot of technicalities transfer from video to still, I couldn’t get enough. I read, watched and practiced about everything I could when it came to photography. Self-teaching my way to where I am now.

Simply put, I like to create impactful images. I want to take the photo you have in your head and make it happen so you can use it for your brand or your needs and be successful. I don’t mind all the little steps that comes with the process either. I will do whatever it takes to make your images stand out.

Likes: badass light, FOOD, anything with buttons/switches or a screen, a smooth whiskey, FOOD, cool summer evenings, lifting heavy things and did I mention FOOD?

Not a fan of: slow left-lane drivers, mushrooms, brown grass… that’s about it I guess.